Singing Guide: Harvey Danger

Singing Guide: Harvey Danger

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Harvey Danger is a Seattle-based alternative rock band. The lead singer, Sean Nelson, has a unique vocal style that combines powerful belting with smooth vibratos. Here's how you can learn to sing like Sean Nelson:

  • Analyze Your Voice

    Before you start singing, you should analyze your voice and determine your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that can help you determine your range and compare it to famous singers. Knowing your vocal range can help you find the appropriate keys for your voice.

  • Singing Techniques

    • Vocal Pitch Monitor

      Once you have analyzed your voice, you can start practicing singing techniques. Singing Carrots offers a vocal pitch monitor that can help you visualize the notes you're singing.

    • Breath Support

      Good breath support is key to powerful singing. Check out Singing Carrots' breath support article for tips.

    • Vibratos

      Sean Nelson's smooth vibratos are a big part of his unique vocal style. Singing Carrots offers tips on singing with vibrato.

    • Belting

      Sean Nelson's powerful belting is another hallmark of his style. Singing Carrots' article on contemporary vocal techniques can help you learn how to belt without straining your voice.

    • Articulation

      Clear articulation is important for good singing. Singing Carrots' articulation article can help you improve.

    • Breathing Techniques, onsets and offsets

      Singing Carrots offers an exercise that combines breathing and sustain.

    • Voice Registers & Microphone usage

      In this video, you can learn about chest voice and how to use a microphone.

  • Singing Lessons

    If you're serious about improving your singing, consider taking Singing Carrots' educational singing course for beginners. The course includes 21 lessons that cover singing theory and practical tips.

  • Song Selection

    To develop your singing skills, try learning some of Sean Nelson's songs with Harvey Danger. "Flagpole Sitta" is one of the band's most popular songs and showcases Nelson's vocal range and power. Singing Carrots' song search tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

  • Conclusion

    Learning to sing like Sean Nelson takes practice and dedication. By analyzing your voice, practicing techniques, taking lessons, and focusing on the right songs, you can improve your singing and develop your own unique style. Use the resources provided by Singing Carrots to become the best singer you can be!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.